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OA15’ - Be GLOCAL - CSR history

· OA15

TV show with Informe pastran - CSR not a trend, a long history and implementation process

RSE- CSR: Responsabilidad social empresarial, cambiar su forma de pensar, trabajar, vivir
- Perimeter: social, environment and governance

- Philosophy: based on volunteer commitment

- More than 40 years old process

- why OA is interested: create sustainibility in the business environment, implementing multi-lateral alliances with public and private sector

- best example of « GLOCALISATION: think global and act local... »

Main multilateral players:

- UN Global compact since 2000: (almost 10,000 companies in 163 countries are committed in this global compact,

- European Commission published a « Green book » in 2001 regarding CSR

- OCDE since 1976 works on this concept producing reports and recommendations for implementation

- World bank, since 2000, has trained more than 18,000 persons in the public and private sector


Focused on France:

- 1080 french companies in the Global Compact,

- OCDE said than more than 63% of french companies have implemented CSR program,

- French CSR platform merging all private and public stakeholders such has Unions, Government, PRivate compnies from SMB til big blue ship companies,
- OCDE empezo 1976, European Commission en 2001 (Libro verde)
- Banco mundial capacito a mas de 15,000 personas en el mundo sobre ese tema

Certifications? Not really, only guidelines and book to facilitate CSR implementation:
- Système de management environnemental et d'audit (EMAS), European Commission
- In UK, SA 8000 (Social Accountability Standard 8000)
- ISO 14001 integrated some aspect on the social and environmental aspects

- ISO 26000 is a guide for CSR global approach

- SD 21000 in France regarding the responsible investment policy

- UNIRSE (, semana RSE, Informe bianual, Foro Nacional RSE

QUOTES about the need to change our mind
- Change before you have to. - Jack Welch
- To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often. - Winston Churchill
- Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. - Leo Tolstoy
- The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance. - Nathaniel Branden
- Progress is a nice word. But change is its motivator. And change has its enemies. - Robert Kennedy
- Change brings opportunity - Nido Qubein
- The only thing which is constant is change - Heracles